Friday, 12 February 2010


For two weeks now, I have stayed faithful to my computer. My hard drive died on January 29th 2010, may it rest in peace. Although I have since bought a new hard drive, my computer still lies lifeless and cold. It amazes me that despite enquiring on both sides of the atlantic, my quest for a windows cd is no closer to being completed. All good things one day come to an end, sometimes prematurely. My dear Dell will just have to come to terms with the fact that it no longer has exclusive claims on The Reflector...

Not having a functioning computer in my room has opened my eyes to how dependent we are on computers. I can hardly imagine life as a university student without computers, despite it being reality only one generation ago. The amount of time I all of a sudden find on my hands is also rather alarming. Without my computer I actually have time to do other things; like reading and talking to people - imagine.

Although there is no doubt that I would have liked to have my computer up and running in time for the live streams of the olympics, which begin this week-end - friends come to the rescue, as they always do. This next week no less than four of my american friends are coming to London, one of whom will come bearing a mac. Without getting onto the subject of macs, lets just content ourselves with the fact that the olympics will be greatly appreciated - Holbein House, Evelyn Gardens being no exchoeption...

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