Today I cooked my first meal. I guess, having lived in London for a week now, it was about time. I share my kitchen with four other people, which has been no problem at all, so far. The kitchen is nice enough I guess, it is rather small though; though as long as only one or two of us wants to cook at once we'll be fine. The most annoying thing about the size of our kitchen is the amount of cupboard space we have. My cupboard isn't big enough to fit my frying pan or my chopping board for instance. This means that my cupboard gets really full and disorganized, and that I need to keep some of my cooking equipment in my bedroom.
I guess it's rather ironic that the times I've felt the least like cooking, is when I've had to. I guess it makes sense that something is less enjoyable when you have to do it. Somehow everything seems more enjoyable when you have the opertunity to do it, in contrast to not having a choice. Tom Sawyer's fence springs to mind. Mark Twain illustrates this phenomena so well; the power of attitude. Being able to choose makes everything so much more attractive - in the third world kids actually love school. Also, we attain far higher standards when we enjoy what we are doing. Someone who wants to learn an instrument will practice far more intently than those who practice merely in meet their parents' expectations. In school we work hader in subjects we enjoy, we also perform better in classes taught by teachers of professors we like and respect. Likewise, those who truly love their deighty serve him or her more fervently than those who do so in order to fulfill a requirement. This is why legalism is so dangerous, it will never produce true worship; this can only be obtained through love.
You know what? I've been there. To Tom Sawyer's fence. It's just a couple hours from my house in Missouri. Does this mean that I missed the point of the blog? No. I didn't miss it, it is good. But I am very excited about the picture and that I've been there. =)