Today I watched Second Chance starring Michael W Smith. I don't really know what I think of it. First of all I must confess that when it comes to watching movies I am rather naïve, I'll fall for and enjoy almost any story line. So when watching the movie I wasn't really that critical. Although the plot is ever so slightly cliche, and the acting isn't the best I've ever seen - it was actually OK. As religious movies go it was actually quite enjoyable. The plot is predictable, but as long as you try not to think too much, you'll be OK. I must say though, that the message of the film is a good one, it runs along the same lines as "The Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns. Although I find the song by Casting Crowns more compelling, Michael W and the crew do a decent job as well.
You may be wondering where I heard of the movie in the first place. Those of you that know me realise that in general I don't like Christian tv-shows or movies, such as 7th Heaven. Actually, I found the picture in this post while searching for something quite different. I was looking for an illustration of one of my earlier posts. This leads me to the second part of this blog "at last." Today I actually took a stand. Though most of you must be sick of hearing about my inability to make up my mind, I must add just one more thing. Today I walked over to my volleyball coach and told him about my situation. I don't know what he was thinking, but it turned out OK in the end, he even asked me to join another team he coaches... Now obviously this doesn't mean that I've made up my mind about everything ;p there is still a long way to go, yet I cannot help but feel relieved that I finally made up my mind about which road to take - and that I ended up taking a right.
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