Now that's quite a statement, especially coming from a chronic melancholic. As I walked to uni today, along the road where I saw the Indian president and her entourage, I found myself wading through oak leaves. There is something very special about wading, I can't quite explain it. Wading in leaves is kind of like wading in water, which is also very nice. After my last lecture, which finished at 12, I walked through Hyde Park on my way to the Kensington Central Library. I felt happy, truly happy deep down. Perhaps it was because I had no labs today and could leave early. Or maybe it was because I had understood everything in the lecture, and was left feeling really good about myself. It may have been because of the crisp clear air and faint breeze that prickled my face, while the rest of my body was snuggled down in my jacket; which today wasn't too hot, because of the lower temperature. Also, the sky was completely clear, and I could almost feel the blue colour in the distance. Most likely it was a combination of all these things, and a few more.
I can't ever remember liking autumn before. I associate autumn with mud, cold and the colour grey - none of which are particularly endearing. Normally autumn in London would probably be much like the autumns I've already experienced. Rain and bad weather is often associated with London, especially during the autumn months. I've lived in London for a month now, and I have yet to buy an umbrella; I think that must be some sort of a record. The reason for not buying one isn't merely that I am stingy either; in fact I can only remember needing one on two occasions this past month... I dare say my luck is about to run out - but for as long as it lasts I'll make sure I am enjoying my awesome autumn.
i would LOVE to see all the old trees there. you need to go take some pictures. we have way too many pine trees here in yosemite.