Today made me think of Alissa Moreno's song "Far from here." The song is basically about looking to the future in order to make it through the present. Hope for the future is a great motivational factor, yet is it enough? We're consumed with looking forward to things - letting what the future holds dictate the mood of the present. Kids look forward to getting older so that they can stay up later, teens look forward to getting their license, students look forward to graduating, I could go on. By waiting for the future, we deprive ourselves of the present.
Although I recognise the carefree joys of childhood, and the excitement of professional life; students have the best of both worlds. I'm old enough to do basically whatever I like, yet I'm young enough to behave like a kid without having anyone judge me too harshly. I'm going to make the most of my time as a student - instead of constantly wishing I was far from here.
it's nice to hear you talking about how young you are:)