Although I never knew Kirsten, I studied at the same university as her last year; hearing about her death really made me stop up and think. (http://news.adventist.org/2009/11/adventist-student-mi.html) I guess that's what death does best - stop life in its tracks. The brute realities of life sometimes makes existance seem rather pointless, at least my present existence. What difference am I really making? If I'm not making that much of a difference, am I at least enjoying life?? If my life neither creates hapiness for myself or others, it is rather pointless. Melancholy aside, tragedies like this one do put things into perspective. These past few days I've been reflecting on what I want with my life. Where do I want to go, and what do I want to do? I've decided I am going to start volunteering. I did sign up for an induction session to the volunteering society at Imperial, but it was fully booked, and I haven't given it much thought since. Even if my efforts shouldn't do others much good - at least I will be able to feel good about myself. And I really want to go travelling - maybe to Scotland...
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